vitamin b12

B12 injections are used to treat lower levels of this vitamin in the body. B12 helps your body use fat and carbohydrates for energy and make protein. It has an important role within the blood, cells and nerves. Most people should get enough B12 through their diet, sometime deficiency may occur due to certain health conditions or poor nutrition.  As part of your wellbeing and personal care, B12 may help improve conditions such as extreme tiredness, mouth ulcers, lack of energy or muscle weakness. You need to be medically well to engage in B12.

Where is the injection site?

The deltoid muscle at the top of the arm.

How often should I have B12?

Although there is much debate over a general consensus of a maintenance dose is usually every once a month. However some people start with a loading dose of weekly for a month and then a maintenance dose following from there.


Prior to any treatment being performed, a consultation is needed to discuss treatment aims and suitability. A medical history and consent form will need to be filled out. This is a prescription drug. Should you be suffering from medical conditions that require investigation then please consult your GP before embarking on a vitamin course.


Should you be experiencing more severe medical symptoms including disturbed vision, depression, memory judgement, confusion and depression, pins and needles and psychological problems you will need to seek a medical consultation prior to embarking on this vitamin course.

Side effects

As with any prescription drug the list of possible side effects are long:

  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea
  • Acne eruptions
  • Injection site pain
  • Injection site swelling
  • Immune system reactions including rash
  • Fever, chills


  • Pregnancy or breast feeding
  • Allergy to b12 or hypersensitivity
  • Cardiac arrythmias
  • Medicine interactions
  • Initial hypokalaemia
  • Acute unwell

This is offered at the prescriber’s discretion.

Treatment length and costs

20 minutes — £30

Treatment length and costs

20 minutes — £30
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