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Book your free consultation


Before receiving a treatment from Complete Aesthetics & Beauty for the first time as new patient, you need to attend a personal consultation, during which your health condition, regarding the treatment you require, will be assessed. However, getting a positive result that allows you to get the treatment you wish, does not necessarily mean that you will receive it immediately after the consultation. It depends on the type of treatment you require and the actual pre-booked schedule we will be working with that day. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

The consultation is FREE, but there is a £20 down payment as a next step, which will be either refunded or deducted from the price of your first treatment, depending on the result of the that.

In order to proceed with your booking, please complete the form above and select the treatment you are enquiring about, specifying also the date and the time slot you prefer.

During the payment process you will be temporarily transferred to a payment platform. It is managed by the online banking system (Stripe), not by Complete Aesthetics & Beauty. This platform is a highly reliable and secure tool for online payments. However, if you experienced technical difficulties, you may want to use a different card or may wish to contact your card issuing bank.

The booking fee will be refunded in 48 hours if:

  • your health status does not meet the criteria of the treatment
  • if you decide not to proceed after receiving detailed information on the treatment you have chosen
  • cancelling your appointment latest in 48 hours before it is scheduled

For more information about refunds, please read our 'Terms and conditions' page.

By clicking the button below, you accept these conditions and are ready to complete the consultation booking procedure with payment.


quick guide for the booking system

Please note that each treatment has its own duration, which can sometimes make it difficult to place in the calendar, especially for longer treatments when the calendar is busy and the time slots are already taken.

But do not worry, the color code of the time slots will help you. If a time slot is already taken (marked with red) you will not be able to book it. Only the active time slots, colored with lilac, indicate the bookable slots (the past dates are faded) you can reserve for your appointment. The time slot reserved by you is displayed in white.

If you cannot find a free, usable time slot for your booking at first glance, just navigate for following dates to find available spaces.

book your consultation

Time slots by 15 minutes

Your consultation is on


and its duration will be


The deposit of the consultation is


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